KYN Stories Lindsay Mensen KYN Stories Lindsay Mensen

Landing in my Forties (And What I’ve Learned From My Thirties)

Turning forty marks a right of passage for me - as if I’m finally stepping into adulthood. I can wholly be myself, I am proud of who I am and grateful for where I’ve been. As I close out this last decade and invite in a new one, I’d like to share the pieces of wisdom that I will carry forward.  Wisdom, I have found, is there all along, but our perspective, life experience and the timing of things is what allows us to receive it.

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Discovery, Nutrition Laura Mensen-Keyser Discovery, Nutrition Laura Mensen-Keyser

Body Reboot: A Guided Cleanse from KYN

There are so many different ways to support the body from the inside out, but one of the most efficient and precise methods is through a cleanse. A cleanse is where you take a period of time to eliminate aggravating foods and drinks while increasing specific liquids or foods with the intention of ridding the body of toxins and promoting overall health.

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Mindfulness, Discovery Ting M Mindfulness, Discovery Ting M

5 Tips to Make Meditation a Daily Habit

Meditation is being used more and more as a tool to balance the stresses a high-paced lifestyle has on our mental health and wellbeing. There are countless benefits of practicing mindfulness and focusing our attention on the present moment. In this article, we’ll explore five simple tips to help you create a lasting meditation practice that works for you.

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